
Geek Speak was an idea started in 2009 when a group of computer science students used the university forum as a area to discuss off topics geeky. This forum was extremely popular amongst students and hence we felt we should carry this on to the world wide web. Currently a work in progress we hope to work with some leading magazine and advertising companies in the tech industry to present to you all the information you need to be a self confessed super geek.

Contact us now if your are interested in becoming part of the team or if you have any suggestions for the site. 

About us

This page tells you about us here at geek speak, what we are doing and why we are doing it. We started as a team of three but aim to grow and expand as a information location that can’t be found elsewhere. We use a well know blogging site so it is easy to become part of the team with certain responsibilities in the team. Feel free to contact us and discuss ideas and involvement. 

The Team

The creators of GeekSpeak

Nikhil Conwa

“Welcome to my brain child started back in my university days, this is a new site and we aim to expand.”

Josh Senga

“Hi my name is josh and I’m the super design geek freak amongst the team. Im also looking to design the next big thing”

Grahem King

“Being part of this super geek team, i talk all things code and numbers. Also a passion for photography using the latest digital equipment.”